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My PowerFresh Slim Steam Mop has no steam

What to do if your PowerFresh Slim Steam Mop has no steam

  • With the machine unplugged, run hand along entire cord looking for any damaged or exposed wires
  • Make sure the unit is plugged into a functioning outlet - Try using an alternate outlet
  • Fill water tank by opening the lid on top and pour in 355 ml of distilled or demineralized water (recommended)
    • Tap water can be used

PowerFresh Slim Steam fill tank

  • Make sure metal ball with tube in the water tank can reach water. If not, shake pod until it is in the water.
  • Clear spray tips on end of pod wand 
    • Caution: Do this with unit unplugged and fully cooled down

PowerFresh Slim Steam remove handle

  • Securely insert the foot and wand by pushing until they click into place
  • Plug in and check to see if there are any lights on the touch pad controls when plugged in
    • Blinking blue center light = steam mop heating up (wait 30-60 secs.)
    • Solid blue center light = Heated and ready for low or high steam selection

PowerFresh Slim Steam trigger

  • Press the steam trigger on the handle. If it does not spring back, please contact BISSELL Consumer Care

PowerFresh Slim Steam handle trigger

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